Authentically me

Why did you want to do a boudoir shoot? 

I wanted to challenge myself to do something outside of my comfort zone. We are all constantly held to an impossible standard in terms of beauty, fitness and accomplishments. It leaves us wanting to look, live and be seemingly perfect. Realistically though, perfect doesn’t exist and we are all striving to achieve something that is unattainable for most of us. Celebrating our bodies for exactly what they are is something we do not do enough of. Our bodies carry us throughout every single day, allowing us to do the activities we enjoy and spend time with the people we love. I wanted to not only celebrate my own body for everything it does but encourage others to do the same. 

What was the location of your boudoir shoot and why did you choose it? 

I decided to choose a boudoir shoot in nature, something with forest and water! I wanted to show the beauty of the world and capture myself in the environment that I love. I use nature to reset my mind during stressful periods, to get away from life and relax. I wanted to make sure my boudoir shoot in nature represented who I am and what I like to do. 

How did you feel preparing for the session?

I enjoyed it! I tried to get myself into the best possible mental state rather than any physical preparation. I didn’t want to stress about how my body looked, rather about making sure I was happy and ready for a new experience. 

What was it like to be naked/half-naked in front of the camera? 

It was very different to be half-naked in front of the camera. It’s nothing I have ever done before, and it was definitely challenging for me. I definitely think the experience has had a positive impact on my perceptions of myself and I would encourage everyone to push themselves and try it! Marina is so amazing at creating a safe environment where being half-naked or naked in front of the camera is 100% normal. 

How did you feel after the session? What have you thought when you saw your images for the first time? 

I felt really empowered after the session! It was such a good feeling to finish the shoot and know that I was authentically me and showcased that. I was super excited to see my images and was so surprised at how much I enjoyed looking at them. I tried to focus on the picture as a whole and not the flaws I generally try and pick out and obsess over.

Would you do it again? 

I would absolutely do it again! It was a lot of fun and a really positive experience

Would you recommend a boudoir shoot to other women/men and why? 

I would recommend a boudoir shoot to anyone. They are such an empowering experience that can really allow you to create or strengthen a positive relationship with your body and your self-image. 

Do you have any tip for women/men who are planning to do a boudoir shoot?

If you want to do a boudoir shoot, my best piece of advice is to just be yourself! A shoot is to capture your authentic, beautiful self so I would say to focus on that and just have fun!