Life Begins At...Part 3
The magazine Life Begins At has interviewed three of my gorgeous clients, age between 50+ and 70+, about their boudoir experience with me and published an article in the autumn issue of 2018. One of those brave clients was Andrea. I had the pleasure and the honour to photograph Andrea's boudoir session once a year for the last three years. In her interview, she shares the story of her first boudoir session with me.
What made you decide you wanted to have a Boudoir Photography session?
That was a spontaneous decision. I saw Marina's boudoir work and was instantly intrigued and decided to inform myself. When I met with Marina and she explained her philosophy and the way she works I immediately liked her so much that I thought, well I'll do it. Because I was looking for a Christmas gift for my partner, I kind of had a perfect excuse to book a session. Not that I really needed it, but you know, how we as women need sometimes to justify doing something just for ourselves.
Why did you choose Marina?
As I said, it was a coincidence. I didn’t shop around checking any other photographers. IT just felt right to book the session with Marina, as I felt connected straight away. She is such a lovely, open-minded and warm-hearted person. I think we have a quite similar positive attitude towards life. This business relationship evolved into a friendship that I wouldn’t like to miss.
What made you trust her?
The trust was somehow right from the beginning. She was making sure that I feel comfortable and relaxed and it worked well.
Were you nervous before the shoot?
I would not say nervous, rather curious. Curious how I would look in the photos.
What made you go ahead with it?
Marina had so many ideas and would come up with new poses, I trusted her and followed her directions. We laughed a lot and had fun and you can see that in the photos.
How did you feel about the poses?
Actually, she wanted to capture the real me and gave me first freehand with posing, but since I've never been in front of a camera, I was initially restrained and did not know how to pose. Marina then would explain and show it to me and that took the uncertainty. I tried it best to mimic her, we created some great pictures. The downside: I had sore mussels next day J
How did the session make you feel?
The shoot was great and the time went very fast. But I think it was mainly because of Marina, she guided me through the whole session and made it so much fun and exciting. She showed me one or two snapshots in between as teaser; I could see three were fabulous.
When you saw your images, what was your immediate reaction?
WOW, that's me? Sexy on the one hand, on the other hand, I saw that happiness in me that people appreciate so much about me. So I was baffled, that one photo can express so many things.
Would you recommend a Boudoir session to other women?
Definitely! It's such a great experience and lasting memory. At first, you might be scared of the price, but if you spend the shoot with Marina, you see the images and get the album, maybe, some of you, like me, get a wall art as well, you will understand that it is worth every penny. This is such a lasting memory that no one can take away from me. (Ma partner still enjoys his Christmas present 4 years later)