14 women in a storm

Last Saturday I organised a body positive photoshoot EVERY BODY IS A BEACH BODY on Sunshine Coast in Mooloolaba.

The weather forecast didn’t look promising. Yes, we needed the rain badly, but does it have to be on the day of the beach shoot?

I was on the fence if I should cancel/reschedule the shoot. I didn’t really want to. How many times we were promised rain that would make Noah jealous and would get not even a drop…

Anyway, I decided in the worst-case scenario we would cancel on the spot and go for a drink instead.

Driving from Brisbane to Sunshine Coast I doubted my decision. It was raining cats and dogs, I couldn’t see where I was going.

Then I arrived in Mooloolaba and was greeted by sunshine on the east and dark clouds on the west including very strong winds.

14 brave women showed up. We came together to lead by the sample. To show our daughters and all the women around us that our bodies, the shape and size of it don’t define us. It is not that easy when we are constantly told otherwise. We were nervous but ready to rock it.

It took the first 5 shots and then it started to rain cats and dogs. Thank God for the rubbish bag! My came stayed kind of dry.

I think it was one of the best project shoots because of the weather. There were only 14 of us but we had so much fun in the rain. It was magical. The rain was cleansing. The positive energy radiating from each of the participants was contagious. We were soaked through to the bone but feeling happy and liberated.

And here is one more thing: the admission for the shoot was 'pay what you want' with all profits donated to the three charities that we support. I am proud to announce that we have donated:

$240 to Butterfly Foundation

$70 to RizeUp

$20 to Share the Dignity

Here are a few impressions from the EVERY BODY IS A BEACH BODY on Saturday.

Everyone enjoyed it so much so we are organising another one on 23 January 2021

Want to know more? Visit: www.nakedfacephotographyproject.com

p.s. A special thank you to an amazing and kind soul Eden Luana for her help and support. Without her, it would not be possible.